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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Empty How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

Post by jytte Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:11 pm

I just read an article on the history of the piano, and came across an interesting fact that I sure didn't know.

I have read often enough that one should get a "real" or "full size" piano (7 octaves/88 keys) if at all possible. I admit, it's also in my mind, that once I get "better", I'll probably get a "real size" piano/keyboard, at the moment I have a 61-key keyboard, one I might add I'm very happy with.

Now here's the interesting fact: The original pianoforte HAD only 5 octaves. Mozart, for one, HAD only 5 octaves. They only added the 6th octave in 1810 (just in time for Beethoven to add a few extra notes to his later works), and the 7th in 1820. Well, whadda y'a know.

All I can say then, is: What's good enough for Mozart, is good enough for me!

How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Rofl

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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Empty Re: How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

Post by Kelly Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:40 pm

How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) 1296812qzpgu6yd64
REALLY? I did not know that. Interesting fact.

Lucky him, he had less keys to worry about.
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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Empty Re: How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

Post by Pianoted Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:41 pm

He he good one, jytte. Maybe I should go back to my five octave keyboard and see if I get Mozart's inspiration! Actually I was watching a TV-movie supposed to happen in the end of the 18th century or the beginning of the 19th and the lead woman character was playing a small piano which can't have been bigger than five octaves, with black white keys and white black keys!

I remember when I got the P85 digital piano, it was very good to have finally 88 keys. I was playing my older keyboard, with 61 keys, and it felt like I was moving from a palace into a closet.

Here is what Wikipedia says about Piano.
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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Empty Re: How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

Post by jytte Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:58 pm

A piano with "opposite" keys? That would freak me out I think.

I have yet to fall off my keyboard in either end, but it'll probably happen some day.

PS: Wow, great link. Very nice article with great pictures.

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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Empty Re: How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

Post by Pianoted Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:20 pm

Yes we beginners usually don't fall off a five octave keyboard. I know that in the full version of Für elise there is a chromatic scale run in the end from the highest octave and down towards the middle on a full piano.
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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Empty Re: How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

Post by Kelly Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:49 pm

There's always a first time for everything. And I know a someone that literally fell off a 7 octaves piano. How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) 264542mimgd64cvk

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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Empty Re: How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

Post by jytte Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:50 pm

Before I get to the full version of Für Elise, I'l have pleeeeenty of time to consider getting some more keys to play on, he he.
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How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!) Empty Re: How many octaves on a "real piano" ?(!)

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