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~Andrew Furmanczyk
Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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To Compose for my Short Film

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To Compose for my Short Film Empty To Compose for my Short Film

Post by datta_godbole Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:30 pm

I dream that I could compose my own music for my own short Animation film (To make that short is also a dream, which I'm working on ), but somewhere deep inside I'm skeptical that the music(Indian/Pakistani Pop, Movie songs which are fusion of rock/Hindustani classical/God-knows-Which genre) I hear is made by experts who have put together years of hard work, is it possible for a rookie to compose a tune in one year Question
But that doesn't stop me from learning Music. What a Face


Number of posts : 4
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Registration date : 2009-07-19

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To Compose for my Short Film Empty Re: To Compose for my Short Film

Post by Circle_of_Fists Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:49 pm

I love the Bombay Dub Orchestra. A very cool mix of music styles, like you mention.

Good luck with your project!
Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

Male Number of posts : 292
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Job/hobbies : I needed a new hobby so piano it is!
Length of time playing piano : since June 09
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To Compose for my Short Film Empty Re: To Compose for my Short Film

Post by Tulin Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:02 am

It is possible!
And I think you can do it!
When I took a GSCE in music, there was an option to compose music for film.
I didn't take that option (*kills the point of this post*) but some of my friends did. Those of my friends who worked hard - but enjoyed creating it really came up with some good results over the six months we had to compose it.
I'd recommend looking into similar music that you intend to create - and try to think of ways to let the music flow with the film.

I'm sorry I'm really not making sense right now, (It's 3 am here;; ) but it is possible to compose music in a year. My GSCE class was made out of rookies - yet the results were really quite impressive.

You cann do it!
Beginner pianist
Beginner pianist

Female Number of posts : 5
Age : 31
Location : The UK
Job/hobbies : Hobbies ~ Keyboard, and the drums. Drawing, writing...
Length of time playing piano : A year... But really started getting into it since the 1st of June
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Registration date : 2009-08-02

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To Compose for my Short Film Empty Re: To Compose for my Short Film

Post by datta_godbole Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:32 am

Thanks Tulin, that's interesting... could you give me an idea of what they had studied...
1.I've completed most of the "How to Play Piano" series (Basic Music Theory, I felt so relieved after learning that... before that learning a song was really frustrating... now i was beginning to understand why i liked the songs which I liked? what was happening in them? not completely though, but it's a start) and I'm practicing some songs now...
2. I'm studying a few ragas on which the songs I grew up hearing are based. I don't know the connection yet... but it does no harm.
3. I've got access to FL Studio which I feel is enough for a Student Short Film... the controls (except Piano Roll and few other things)
are stilll beyond my understanding.

Will you let me know what i'm missing here? Thanks in advance.


Number of posts : 4
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Registration date : 2009-07-19

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To Compose for my Short Film Empty Re: To Compose for my Short Film

Post by Tulin Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:56 am

Sure I can ~
Well to be honest, (*Ruins the point of post again*) our music classes were a bit rubbish. Our teacher was very useless, and I didn't really learn much from the lessons.
We composed our music by either Noteworthy, or Cubase, and studied a lot of music theory. (Mostly chords and time signatures)
FL Studio should be fine I'm sure. What I would recommend personally is to 'fiddle' around with the program. Try just having a play around it, and see what sounds good, and maybe keep in mind what bits sounds good for when you come to compose. There might be some tutorials on youtube explaining how to do interesting techniques.

I really think you're set up for this - I really think it's possible for you to achieve your goals - and I wish you the best of luck.

Sorry again for the 3/4 useless post xD
I really should go to bed now.
Beginner pianist
Beginner pianist

Female Number of posts : 5
Age : 31
Location : The UK
Job/hobbies : Hobbies ~ Keyboard, and the drums. Drawing, writing...
Length of time playing piano : A year... But really started getting into it since the 1st of June
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2009-08-02

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