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Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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~Andrew Furmanczyk
Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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My stuff is arriving slowlyyy~=Update!=

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My stuff is arriving slowlyyy~=Update!= Empty My stuff is arriving slowlyyy~=Update!=

Post by Klavier Sat May 16, 2009 1:16 pm

I got a "Classic Piano Course" book, which is awesome! I've read most of it already (I'm a fast reader) but I'm going to go back and work through the songs and exercises once my P85 arrives! I also got 2 "All The Tunes You've Ever Wanted To Play!" books because ... I need sheet music! Haha Very Happy Its got lots of pieces in, like 100+ in each book, and its ring bound and'll fit on a stand thingy on a keyboard Very Happy Its got Chopin and Beethoven, including some of my favourite pieces like Raindrops and Moonlight Sonata! I can't wait til I can read sheet music at a faster pace and can work through these songs. But first, many months of technique, piano exercises, scales, books and Andrews' Videos!

Oh yeah and I got my Sennheiser headphones too, so I won't annoy my parents too much! Very Happy

=EDIT!= The p85 I have canceled after reading an awful lot of reviews and am now going for a p155, which is about to come out here in like, a week. It has far superior feel and 4 different samples of music depending on how hard the key is pushed down a different one will play which opens up an even greater means to express on a digital. It'll end up being about £1200, so whats that in dollars, like, double or something? But I really dont mind! because paying £750 for a p85 + accessories only to want something which feels better and has a larger expressive potential after I've played the p85 will make me think of all the money I've wasted and should of just gone for the £450 dearer option in the first place Very Happy Yay for forthought, although this means I'll have to wait ANOTHER month for some wages in order to afford it. But 1 more month can't hurt, it'll make me study up on theory loads more while i wait! Yay~~
Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

Male Number of posts : 200
Age : 35
Location : England
Job/hobbies : ASDA Colleague | Piano, games and movies.
Length of time playing piano : 2 Weeks! ^_^
Guru Points : 9
Registration date : 2009-05-07

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My stuff is arriving slowlyyy~=Update!= Empty Re: My stuff is arriving slowlyyy~=Update!=

Post by surehit123 Fri May 22, 2009 3:06 am

Yeah! good luck with that. how much do you make anyway? NOT BEING RUDE Very Happy
Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

Male Number of posts : 239
Age : 31
Location : philippines
Job/hobbies : Student
Length of time playing piano : 7 months
Guru Points : 3
Registration date : 2009-03-29

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My stuff is arriving slowlyyy~=Update!= Empty Re: My stuff is arriving slowlyyy~=Update!=

Post by Klavier Fri May 22, 2009 10:02 am

Its a £6.20 an hour job, its ok. Very Happy I enjoy it loads and the people are great so the averagish wage is good enough for me Very Happy

I still can't wait for it &@!#*$! I'm like counting the days, and I've just worked out I might miss the amount i need by like £40! *will nag parents and friends for moneyz* lol!
Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

Male Number of posts : 200
Age : 35
Location : England
Job/hobbies : ASDA Colleague | Piano, games and movies.
Length of time playing piano : 2 Weeks! ^_^
Guru Points : 9
Registration date : 2009-05-07

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