Should I post a video?
Admin Andrew
11 posters
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Should I post a video?
Hey guys! I was in a national magazine! (you might have read that in another post) I wanted to ask you guys if I should make a video telling people about it on my youtube channel. Or do you think it's bragging?? here's what it looks like
Re: Should I post a video?
Wow..STAR POWER!! You look like seriously playing ..
About the video.. for me its not bragging. its a good idea for me because you only want to share your knowledge in piano and tell them if they're really interested in it and want to learn how to play, your video could help them, not to push them to watch your video. it will also help to enlarge our piano community .. new members new friends, the more the merrier .
About the video.. for me its not bragging. its a good idea for me because you only want to share your knowledge in piano and tell them if they're really interested in it and want to learn how to play, your video could help them, not to push them to watch your video. it will also help to enlarge our piano community .. new members new friends, the more the merrier .
klixonnylle- Well-known Pianist
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Re: Should I post a video?
HOTDAMN!!!!!! sry, no that wouldn't be bragging at all. I think its great that you're going to make a video about this. I think it will give beginner pianists hope and give other players the confidence to put their videos up on youtube ( hoping they will be discovered as well). That's a pretty huge picture. Maybe the people in this forum are right, we should get your autograph before you get soooooooooo famous and forget us.
Re: Should I post a video?
yeah you're right.. please sign my piano!! .. sorry for massaging off topic..
klixonnylle- Well-known Pianist
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Re: Should I post a video?
Awesome for sure
About the video! Do it as a V-log type video and its cool!! It IS bragging, but thats allowed when done with modesty Its when the bragging takes control over you, that its a bad thing!! If you are proud of something, Tell it If its telling just to tell, then dont! But Im pretty sure you know what side of the line you are on before posting a video like that!!
About the video! Do it as a V-log type video and its cool!! It IS bragging, but thats allowed when done with modesty Its when the bragging takes control over you, that its a bad thing!! If you are proud of something, Tell it If its telling just to tell, then dont! But Im pretty sure you know what side of the line you are on before posting a video like that!!
Re: Should I post a video?
thanks guys! I think i WILL make a video about it. I feel kinda guilty though since I haven't made a new piano lesson in awhile (can't think of a topic to post) I was maybe thinking of explaining the difference between chord tones and non chord tones. but i'm wondering if that's to nerdy of a topic to cover..?
nah, i won't forget about you guys if I'm famous. The last thing i want to do is alienate the people I want to help
nah, i won't forget about you guys if I'm famous. The last thing i want to do is alienate the people I want to help
Re: Should I post a video?
Admin Andrew wrote: thanks guys! I think i WILL make a video about it. I feel kinda guilty though since I haven't made a new piano lesson in awhile (can't think of a topic to post) I was maybe thinking of explaining the difference between chord tones and non chord tones. but i'm wondering if that's to nerdy of a topic to cover..?
nah, i won't forget about you guys if I'm famous. The last thing i want to do is alienate the people I want to help
Hehe, I have tried to give you a topic 2times though But I guess it isnt really mainstream I guess. But If you have missed it Ill explane it one more time
Topic: Contemporary Piano Music. What is significant today, in today's classical-music, directions, what to think about when analyzing today classical pieces, how to compose, which directions in classical music is there today ect - Cause I cant find any decent material on Contemporary Music anywhere
Since I want to try to compose something that is both contemporary and roots back, I need a whole lot more info on the 1945-2009 time in classical music, but of course Its only a suggestion. And I also understand if this is to of to the side, or if maybe you yourself dont know enough about it ect
But I remember your: Classical Periods Video so I thought maybe there was an opening for a Contemporary Classical Music Video as well ... Thats at least my suggestion
About the chords-video! Go ahead!! Remember that you dont have to reach 100 000s of people for a video to be efficient like your beginner-video was!! One might be a little blind when you got some great Hits!!
Re: Should I post a video?
I agree with the contemporary plan, sounds interesting...
goodell- Advanced Pianist
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Re: Should I post a video?
its not bragging cos if u be silent alot of people who wants to learn may not know about it.But if u metion that they will love it and be thankfull to find someone helps them learning the piano.
MysteriousGgirl- Well-known Pianist
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Re: Should I post a video?
Thomandy wrote:Admin Andrew wrote: thanks guys! I think i WILL make a video about it. I feel kinda guilty though since I haven't made a new piano lesson in awhile (can't think of a topic to post) I was maybe thinking of explaining the difference between chord tones and non chord tones. but i'm wondering if that's to nerdy of a topic to cover..?
nah, i won't forget about you guys if I'm famous. The last thing i want to do is alienate the people I want to help
Hehe, I have tried to give you a topic 2times though But I guess it isnt really mainstream I guess. But If you have missed it Ill explane it one more time
Topic: Contemporary Piano Music. What is significant today, in today's classical-music, directions, what to think about when analyzing today classical pieces, how to compose, which directions in classical music is there today ect - Cause I cant find any decent material on Contemporary Music anywhere
Since I want to try to compose something that is both contemporary and roots back, I need a whole lot more info on the 1945-2009 time in classical music, but of course Its only a suggestion. And I also understand if this is to of to the side, or if maybe you yourself dont know enough about it ect
But I remember your: Classical Periods Video so I thought maybe there was an opening for a Contemporary Classical Music Video as well ... Thats at least my suggestion
About the chords-video! Go ahead!! Remember that you dont have to reach 100 000s of people for a video to be efficient like your beginner-video was!! One might be a little blind when you got some great Hits!!
sorry Thomas! I remember you suggested it before now that you say that. I remember that I was thinking back then, that I don't know if I actually am a skilled enough composer to be able to talk on this subject with authority you know? I also am not as familiar with history between 1945-2009 as far as music goes. I think you have a good idea there, but at the same time, I'd have to do a ton of reasearch and learn some stuff before I could actually make a video on it. It's a good idea though. I might look into that in the summer, except there's hardly any material on those era's because pop/jazz/rock/techno music over took the classical genre.
Re: Should I post a video?
Admin Andrew wrote:
sorry Thomas! I remember you suggested it before now that you say that. I remember that I was thinking back then, that I don't know if I actually am a skilled enough composer to be able to talk on this subject with authority you know? I also am not as familiar with history between 1945-2009 as far as music goes. I think you have a good idea there, but at the same time, I'd have to do a ton of reasearch and learn some stuff before I could actually make a video on it. It's a good idea though. I might look into that in the summer, except there's hardly any material on those era's because pop/jazz/rock/techno music over took the classical genre.
Yeah, that was sort of what I thought No need to study anything, but IF you ever stumble on some info about the classical contemporary stuff, let me know! Then I can read myself, but as you say, its hard to find anything All I know is that there sort of is a lot of splits in the directions.
My dream would actually to become a national romantic composer, and get traditional folk music mixed with me, out to people If I got the talent, the luck and dedication in the end to manage that I would have fulfilled that dream! Hehe, but thats atm Only a dream
re:Should I post a video?
hey!i think you are not bragging. one times my picture was showed on local newspaper. when i saw my name and my picture was on newspaper. that kind of feeling is weird. so i tell a lot of my friends. they all laugh. and said" you are famous now." and they feel so funny. because they didn't have friends who name and picture was showed on newspaper.
berthamei- Newbie
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Re: Should I post a video?
My sister was on the front page of our city's newspaper, it was a picture of the audience at a consert, but the funny thing was that she and her friend was in this epic position that made them really pop out.
You can bragg aslong as you brag with style, and I really hope that if some of us that learned from you get famous, will mention you too. ( that was my weirdest sentence ever ^_^ )
You can bragg aslong as you brag with style, and I really hope that if some of us that learned from you get famous, will mention you too. ( that was my weirdest sentence ever ^_^ )
VictorCS- Moderator
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Re: Should I post a video?
I wouldn`t consider it as bragging. more as a way of advertising. ^^
I mean you kinda changed the life of some people over the Internet
(let`s say to something better xD), so why shouldn`t you make such an
, like I defined it, advert. I mean it is easy for a person that knows how to gather information about a certain topic in the to find your videos (as it was in my case) but other people don`t have this kind of ability(or are way tooooo lazy xD).
Meaning: Go for it ^^
I mean you kinda changed the life of some people over the Internet
(let`s say to something better xD), so why shouldn`t you make such an
, like I defined it, advert. I mean it is easy for a person that knows how to gather information about a certain topic in the to find your videos (as it was in my case) but other people don`t have this kind of ability(or are way tooooo lazy xD).
Meaning: Go for it ^^
Lanxil- Advanced Pianist
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Re: Should I post a video?
This Post was moved by accident!
Original Poster: The Warden
Original Poster: The Warden
theWarden wrote:Admin Andrew wrote:Hey guys! I was in a national magazine! (you might have read that in another post) I wanted to ask you guys if I should make a video telling people about it on my youtube channel. Or do you think it's bragging?? here's what it looks like
I think there are always going to be people who envy you because you are becoming successful. (then they start trying to guilt trip you, by bringing up morality issues, or telling you you're a bad person if you "brag")
If you decide to promote yourself, there WILL be people who don't want changes, who enjoy security in small numbers (for some odd reason) and who would rather see you in a mediocre lifestyle. If I were ever to get my picture in a NATIONAL magazine, for doing something like TEACHING PIANO TO THE LESS FORTUNATE, (not only that, but also watch over a community, keeping it safe, clean, and friendly) I would totally "brag" about it to everyone I knew. You're doing something good for the world. Why keep it to only a select few?
One thing is, its not bragging, because bragging would imply that you're being arrogant. You are a very humble person, you're very dedicated, and you're very talented. I think if anyone else on this forum were in your position, they would not hesitate to "show off".
To all you people NOT giving Andrew the encouragement and telling him to "limit" his "bragging"... WHY??
If it weren't for his hard work you wouldprobablynot be here. How have YOU paid him back? By telling him subtly to hold back? That's not very nice of you.
My final thought: we can not decide what you do with yourself, this community, and your YouTube channel. We can only give you suggestions.. You have a lot of attention on you and its increasing day by day, so I would start focusing on the future, and maybe make a map of what I would want to do with all of your work. Put it together on a site? Maybe start thinking about changes? Such as maybe adding new content, or getting special advertisers (its not selling out, we all have to eat), maybe you could even have a special VIP section in the forums in order to promote forum growth and bring it to life. Its a big community, but its not alive... you should change that.
You've done a lot for the people that have thanked you, and there's a ton of people who didn't thank you, and you've stilled managed to help. Maybe its time to indulge a little and help y o u r s e l f.
That's IS ..... AWESOME. A magazine?!!?!?!?!?
Re: Should I post a video?
Well Andrew in my opinion i think you should do a vid on any achievments made by yourself as you ask us to show us our achievments as encouragment to others ..also to ask our thoughts on subject of it sort of being bragging is PROOF that this not what you intend to do ,i think you chose the wrong word to use which may i add you dont do very often ...the word you should be using is PROMOTION..which has a few meanings but the definition oor context you would use it is =...TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE PROGRESS OR GROWTH Andrew it is not bragging if used in this way so go ahead and promote
ROBIN- Well-known Pianist
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Re: Should I post a video?
Wow, looks like quotations for your signed underwear are gonna skyrocket again XD
tomomimorgan- Intermediate Pianist
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