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Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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~Andrew Furmanczyk
Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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This is the song I want to learn:Commitment

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This is the song I want to learn:Commitment Empty This is the song I want to learn:Commitment

Post by prince Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:36 pm

Here is the youtube link to the song:

Here is the music sheet:

Four of them:

This is the song I want to learn:Commitment 92054708bd5

This is the song I want to learn:Commitment 81795235kj9

This is the song I want to learn:Commitment 13809334ao4

This is the song I want to learn:Commitment 14816133xb3


Number of posts : 4
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2008-10-09

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This is the song I want to learn:Commitment Empty Re: This is the song I want to learn:Commitment

Post by VictorCS Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:52 pm

The first thing you'll have to do is to learn how to read the sheet,
it's like the alphabet, but much easier.

But I dont suggest you start with this piece, if you havent playd any piano before, I still think you should practice som smaller and easier pieces first.
You'll come no way with starting on a hard piece, you will feel stuck, and you will lose motivation.

You dont run 42km before you've runned 20km, and you dont run 20km before you've run 10km.
I usually did 6-7km before, then I jumped onto 20km once because my bike broke....
And I'll tell you, it was hard to finish those last kilometers....

And it's exactly the same with piano, do it easy in the start, then increase. Cool

Male Number of posts : 944
Location : Norway
Length of time playing piano : Started playing seriously in 2007, and been doing so since.
Guru Points : 18
Registration date : 2008-03-09

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This is the song I want to learn:Commitment Empty Re: This is the song I want to learn:Commitment

Post by pianohama Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:29 am

VictorCS wrote:The first thing you'll have to do is to learn how to read the sheet,
it's like the alphabet, but much easier.

But I dont suggest you start with this piece, if you havent playd any piano before, I still think you should practice som smaller and easier pieces first.
You'll come no way with starting on a hard piece, you will feel stuck, and you will lose motivation.

You dont run 42km before you've runned 20km, and you dont run 20km before you've run 10km.
I usually did 6-7km before, then I jumped onto 20km once because my bike broke....
And I'll tell you, it was hard to finish those last kilometers....

And it's exactly the same with piano, do it easy in the start, then increase. Cool

holy crap, you can jog 20 km? I can jog(at a high speed) for about 10km then im totally DEAD.
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This is the song I want to learn:Commitment Empty Re: This is the song I want to learn:Commitment

Post by Amro Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:52 pm

pianohama wrote:
VictorCS wrote:The first thing you'll have to do is to learn how to read the sheet,
it's like the alphabet, but much easier.

But I dont suggest you start with this piece, if you havent playd any piano before, I still think you should practice som smaller and easier pieces first.
You'll come no way with starting on a hard piece, you will feel stuck, and you will lose motivation.

You dont run 42km before you've runned 20km, and you dont run 20km before you've run 10km.
I usually did 6-7km before, then I jumped onto 20km once because my bike broke....
And I'll tell you, it was hard to finish those last kilometers....

And it's exactly the same with piano, do it easy in the start, then increase. Cool

holy crap, you can jog 20 km? I can jog(at a high speed) for about 10km then im totally DEAD.

Aaah ..
10 Km ..
Just 3 Km & I'll be cyclops

Hehe Razz


But Nice explanation Victor .. Like a Star @ heaven
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Male Number of posts : 340
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Job/hobbies : Graphics, Internet & Piano
Length of time playing piano : 2 Years of Trying but seriously from 4 Mnths.
Guru Points : 3
Registration date : 2008-07-17

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This is the song I want to learn:Commitment Empty Re: This is the song I want to learn:Commitment

Post by VictorCS Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:48 pm

I usually to run 6-7km 3 times a week, but last year I used my bike ( biking 20km ), the tire got flat, so I did the rest by foot... 5km bike, then 15km foot, just to test...
and after that I figured I had chose the wrong way, would've been better just to take the short way back home...

6-7km is more than enough to run, i'm not planning on running 42km marathon anyway, and at the same time I stay healthy.

Male Number of posts : 944
Location : Norway
Length of time playing piano : Started playing seriously in 2007, and been doing so since.
Guru Points : 18
Registration date : 2008-03-09

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This is the song I want to learn:Commitment Empty Re: This is the song I want to learn:Commitment

Post by Thomandy Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:58 pm

VictorCS wrote:I usually to run 6-7km 3 times a week, but last year I used my bike ( biking 20km ), the tire got flat, so I did the rest by foot... 5km bike, then 15km foot, just to test...
and after that I figured I had chose the wrong way, would've been better just to take the short way back home...

6-7km is more than enough to run, i'm not planning on running 42km marathon anyway, and at the same time I stay healthy.

Yeah, 6-7 Km is a good 30min run, I usually do 6km when I run to, but now I use my bike and ride about 1.5 km in stead... Since I play Soccer 3-4 times a week..

Male Number of posts : 2616
Age : 39
Location : Norway
Job/hobbies : Bachelor in Social Childcare
Length of time playing piano : 1 year
Guru Points : 46
Registration date : 2008-04-10

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