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~Andrew Furmanczyk
Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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trills zigzagty! ;)

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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by CripKilla Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:45 am

Ok I don't think I need a pic of it: it's the little zigzagy wave over a note, but there is a little line cutting it in 2 parts... I never met this before so i checked out Andrew's video about ornement. He talked about trills, but he didn't mentionned what it does when the wave is cut in 2.
In the piece, it sounds much better if I trills the principal note and the note before it.
So Is that right? Or is that just a regular trill? confused

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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by CripKilla Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:02 pm

bump Neutral
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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by Thomandy Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:26 pm

Hm, I cant really say. I havnt seen it. I have only seen UnDevided Zigzaggy lines Razz hehee

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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by CripKilla Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:52 pm

it looks like this trills zigzagty! ;) Trille12jd8
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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by Thomandy Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:55 pm

My tips would be to just play it as a normal trill!! SmileÏ dont thin it means anything different really! Smile

Look up the piece on youtube?! And compare. How is it played there? Then copy that.! Smile

Male Number of posts : 2616
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Job/hobbies : Bachelor in Social Childcare
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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by Admin Andrew Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:54 pm

That looks like a mordent ^_^ which means you play the note it's written above folowed by the lower note and ending on the note that is written. so say there is a C written, you would play C,B,C Hope that helps!
Admin Andrew
Admin Andrew

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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by Thomandy Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:19 pm

Admin Andrew wrote:That looks like a mordent ^_^ which means you play the note it's written above folowed by the lower note and ending on the note that is written. so say there is a C written, you would play C,B,C Hope that helps!

Okay so its like the oposite of an normal trill??
Cause a normal trill is Ex: C written - C,D,C?? I have learned it. But cant remember scratch
I used whay yo much time trying ti figuring it out on Turkish March. I had to listen to youtubevideos to get it right. And the best tutorial I found on the piece had it wrong Razz haha...

Male Number of posts : 2616
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Job/hobbies : Bachelor in Social Childcare
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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by Amro Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:52 am

trills zigzagty! ;) Music-mordent


An insertion of the semitone below the specified note within its value (this particular case can be called a "lower mordent"). Without the vertical line, the inserted semitone is above the specified note, and the ornament is known as an upper mordent.
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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by Amro Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:54 am

Thomandy wrote:
Admin Andrew wrote:That looks like a mordent ^_^ which means you play the note it's written above folowed by the lower note and ending on the note that is written. so say there is a C written, you would play C,B,C Hope that helps!

Okay so its like the oposite of an normal trill??
Cause a normal trill is Ex: C written - C,D,C?? I have learned it. But cant remember scratch
I used whay yo much time trying ti figuring it out on Turkish March. I had to listen to youtubevideos to get it right. And the best tutorial I found on the piece had it wrong Razz haha...

So if we got C trill ... that means we play C,D,C ??
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Male Number of posts : 340
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Job/hobbies : Graphics, Internet & Piano
Length of time playing piano : 2 Years of Trying but seriously from 4 Mnths.
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Registration date : 2008-07-17

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trills zigzagty! ;) Empty Re: trills zigzagty! ;)

Post by CripKilla Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:42 pm

Admin Andrew wrote:That looks like a mordent ^_^ which means you play the note it's written above folowed by the lower note and ending on the note that is written. so say there is a C written, you would play C,B,C Hope that helps!

Alrright thank you! Very Happy it sounds better like this!
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