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~Andrew Furmanczyk
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some stuff in the music sheet

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some stuff in the music sheet Empty some stuff in the music sheet

Post by Lufa Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:45 am

hey usully in a music sheet has two bars in each set right like a treble and a bass
i've came across a music sheet that has a treble then a biger gap then comes the treble then bass in every set
how do i play something like that?

also at the begining of the line after the # is has some kind of C on the lines wat does that symbol means?

Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

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Registration date : 2008-05-24

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some stuff in the music sheet Empty Re: some stuff in the music sheet

Post by Thomandy Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:58 am

C means 4/4 =)
And the sheets a probably for more than just piano! Usually the the piano is at the bottom. But might not be. Try to play it, and does it sound good, then way to go Wink hehe

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some stuff in the music sheet Empty Re: some stuff in the music sheet

Post by Lufa Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:04 am

thanks i was thinking that too
hmm i just notice i dont have engouth keys lol on my 61 or so keyboard

Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

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some stuff in the music sheet Empty Re: some stuff in the music sheet

Post by Thomandy Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:07 am

Lufa wrote:thanks i was thinking that too
hmm i just notice i dont have engouth keys lol on my 61 or so keyboard

To bad! You can recompose! Smile If you know a thing or two about chords, wich there is alot of theory on here on the forum. Then you can recreate some chords! Smile

Male Number of posts : 2616
Age : 39
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Job/hobbies : Bachelor in Social Childcare
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some stuff in the music sheet Empty Re: some stuff in the music sheet

Post by maestoso Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:07 am

sounds like you are seeing a piano part (bass and treble clef) with a solo instrument above (in treble clef), e.g. violin or flute. You are only expected to play the piano part (the bottom bass and treble clef).

Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

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some stuff in the music sheet Empty Re: some stuff in the music sheet

Post by kentaku_sama Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:44 am

to tell you the truth you actually can play any instrument's notes on piano. Violin, harp, flute anything really (ignoring the special dynamics and stuff) Simply because all sheet music is the same. Every time you see a treble clef,(no matter what instrument) you can play it on a treble instrument because the only time the notes change is on a clef.
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some stuff in the music sheet Empty Re: some stuff in the music sheet

Post by Amro Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:51 am

kentaku_sama wrote:to tell you the truth you actually can play any instrument's notes on piano. Violin, harp, flute anything really (ignoring the special dynamics and stuff) Simply because all sheet music is the same. Every time you see a treble clef,(no matter what instrument) you can play it on a treble instrument because the only time the notes change is on a clef.

mmm .. I don't think so ..
I tried to play [Violin-Flute-etc..] Sheets on Piano but they sound crappy ..
As there are a few notes only in every line + Some strange sign as you said ..

I donnow exactly if I'm right Razz
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Length of time playing piano : 2 Years of Trying but seriously from 4 Mnths.
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some stuff in the music sheet Empty Re: some stuff in the music sheet

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