Cadence chatting
4 posters
Cadence chatting
Most of you should be aware of this, and if you're not then here you go!
The most basic cadence is called a "Perfect" Cadence. It uses the I chord and the V chord. I and V are just roman numerals for 1 and 5.
Say we're in the scale of C major.
This perfect cadence would look like this:
V (G B D) - I (C E G)
When you play a perfect cadence it sounds like it's "Finished"
In earlier music the piece was actually not aloud to end until you heard the final perfect cadence!
The most basic cadence is called a "Perfect" Cadence. It uses the I chord and the V chord. I and V are just roman numerals for 1 and 5.
Say we're in the scale of C major.
This perfect cadence would look like this:
V (G B D) - I (C E G)
When you play a perfect cadence it sounds like it's "Finished"
In earlier music the piece was actually not aloud to end until you heard the final perfect cadence!
Re: Cadence chatting
Hey Andrew, I posted int he "how to compose" topic about harmony because you mention it before. IS there any other contribute you can give on "how to" turn a single note melody into a chord melody, or any other "advanced" topic-related tips? Maybe some video about it perhaps? After you play fur elise of course
Phobik2000- Well-known Pianist
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Re: Cadence chatting
Yea, I've REALLY gotta get on that fur elise song!
As far as composing with one melody line what you do is you build your chord off of that melody note, the C chord has CEG so if you're playing notes in the right hand that use C E or G the C chord is an option. The tricky part is, any chord that shares that note could also be used in it's place, and it's really up to you the composer to decide what kind of sound you're trying to get.
As far as composing with one melody line what you do is you build your chord off of that melody note, the C chord has CEG so if you're playing notes in the right hand that use C E or G the C chord is an option. The tricky part is, any chord that shares that note could also be used in it's place, and it's really up to you the composer to decide what kind of sound you're trying to get.
Re: Cadence chatting
I actually like songs with broken shords better than solid chords. If they are called that?!
But so if I was to compose a song, i could go into other scales as long as I go trough a chared note?!
Ex: C E G, then jump to G B D, then jump to B F# A??
Im just starting to learn these things, chords, and scales and diminished and agumented :S - hard to learn trough the internett, but much easyer here, than random stuff online. Im glad I found Andrew on youtube, and this forum So if my question is stupid, you know why hehe
But so if I was to compose a song, i could go into other scales as long as I go trough a chared note?!
Ex: C E G, then jump to G B D, then jump to B F# A??
Im just starting to learn these things, chords, and scales and diminished and agumented :S - hard to learn trough the internett, but much easyer here, than random stuff online. Im glad I found Andrew on youtube, and this forum So if my question is stupid, you know why hehe
Re: Cadence chatting
There aren't stupid questions; only stupid answers
Phobik2000- Well-known Pianist
- Number of posts : 150
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Re: Cadence chatting
phobik2000 wrote:There aren't stupid questions; only stupid answers
That is true.
Re: Cadence chatting
We need a harmony guide... Anyway, i've started to add cords on my melody now, it's buildt using a ABAB system I think If I dont remember wrong,
so it's a theme that's repeated. Basically I wrote the main melody for my guitar with lots of bends,
and the chords/bassline will be playd by another instrument.
Most of my compositions arent really made for my keyboard, but it's much easier to make stuff on it.
So I compose on my keyboard and play it either on the guitar or mixing it in FruityLoops
with different instruments from EDORIL ( pack with alot fo real instruments ).
Still havent finished a composition 100%
Takes time, and I have none
Ofcourse, when I compose I find stuff that sounds good together, so then I'm actually using some time to figure out what can sound good,
but when you improvise you need this harmony thing even more, because you dont want to much disonance. And you want it right on the spot.
so it's a theme that's repeated. Basically I wrote the main melody for my guitar with lots of bends,
and the chords/bassline will be playd by another instrument.
Most of my compositions arent really made for my keyboard, but it's much easier to make stuff on it.
So I compose on my keyboard and play it either on the guitar or mixing it in FruityLoops
with different instruments from EDORIL ( pack with alot fo real instruments ).
Still havent finished a composition 100%
Takes time, and I have none
Ofcourse, when I compose I find stuff that sounds good together, so then I'm actually using some time to figure out what can sound good,
but when you improvise you need this harmony thing even more, because you dont want to much disonance. And you want it right on the spot.
VictorCS- Moderator
- Number of posts : 944
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Re: Cadence chatting
VictorCS wrote:We need a harmony guide... Anyway, i've started to add cords on my melody now, it's buildt using a ABAB system I think If I dont remember wrong,
so it's a theme that's repeated. Basically I wrote the main melody for my guitar with lots of bends,
and the chords/bassline will be playd by another instrument.
I don't know this ABAB thing, can you explain it?
Indeed. I usually will mess around with Reason and occasionaly Live, but end up with a bunch of loops that I can't bother to edit into a song (which is what 99% of the studio work does) and just keep saving them allVictorCS wrote:
Most of my compositions arent really made for my keyboard, but it's much easier to make stuff on it.
So I compose on my keyboard and play it either on the guitar or mixing it in FruityLoops
with different instruments from EDORIL ( pack with alot fo real instruments ).
Still havent finished a composition 100%
Takes time, and I have none
VictorCS wrote:
Ofcourse, when I compose I find stuff that sounds good together, so then I'm actually using some time to figure out what can sound good,
but when you improvise you need this harmony thing even more, because you dont want to much disonance. And you want it right on the spot.
So very true. I started venturing into music with software, then added midi controllers for ease of use (most packed away all the time...) then found out I couldn't really get anything out to of the keys and needed to learn theory.
Then I stumbled upon Lypur on youtube, yay!
And got more gear actually, this time it was a 88 key (but still midi controller, which needs to be setup with the computer, and so gets all this big pille of clothes on top *laisy*)
But now the more I get into playing the more I feel the lack of knowledge for further expressing the music in my head.
This is specially true if you try to join a jam (either on ninjam or eJamming or in person) and even more if any of the players are highly skilled, and you just get on how they can improvise and how you (I) can't even remotely follow them
Phobik2000- Well-known Pianist
- Number of posts : 150
Location : Uk
Job/hobbies : IT
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2008-03-05
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