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Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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~Andrew Furmanczyk
Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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I'm aiming low so I might-just get there...

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I'm aiming low so I might-just get there... Empty I'm aiming low so I might-just get there...

Post by viberunner Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:16 pm

My goal is to play repetitive psychedelic organ in a crazed-up local funk band I'm mates with. I'd want to read music well enough to learn and practise the genre (The Doors, The Beatles, The Charlatans), and practise to get used to playing, using both hands, getting the speed up, and learning fills.

Probably a heck of a lot easier than some of the orchestrated parts you guys are aiming for.

But starting with pure piano tuition from Andrew seems a good initial step, good instruction, basics, the scales, the discipline.


Male Number of posts : 2
Age : 53
Location : Scotland
Job/hobbies : Love, intoxication, and rock & roll
Length of time playing piano : 0 years 0 months 0 days - so far
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2010-06-13

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I'm aiming low so I might-just get there... Empty Re: I'm aiming low so I might-just get there...

Post by pianohama Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:17 pm

Hey man!
Just because you have a different goal doesn't make it less valuable!

Here's a tip:
In a band you need to be very creative and have a good ear.
Listen to alot of music and try to figure out the melodies and try to modify them so you create your own rendition of the songs. This will help alot when you're in a band.

Ofcourse you'll still have to do the other stuffs ( basics) meanwhile.

Discipline is good if you are an orchestra player, but isn't something you need to put alot of work in if you're playing in a band as it can restrict your creativity.

Good luck!
Recognized Teacher
Recognized Teacher

Number of posts : 462
Guru Points : 3
Registration date : 2008-03-10

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