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How much should I practice scales

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scales - How much should I practice scales Empty How much should I practice scales

Post by kentaku_sama Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:44 pm

Ok so I know to be good and all you need to practice scales but how much should I in a day because I practice for 2 -3 hours a day including chords and current songs I'm working on and just expirementing. So how much should I to be sufficient?
Well-known Pianist
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Length of time playing piano : 3 or 4 years seriously
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Registration date : 2008-11-28

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scales - How much should I practice scales Empty Re: How much should I practice scales

Post by Thomandy Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:57 pm

Well. Im not really sure. But when I practiced them a lot, I usually has session that lasted about 15min pr day, and I did it with metronome. Now I do a 5-10min session 2-3 times a month Razz

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Job/hobbies : Bachelor in Social Childcare
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scales - How much should I practice scales Empty Re: How much should I practice scales

Post by endre Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:24 pm

I am a beginner. I practice scales maybe 10 or 15 minutes a day. I don't practice them all just e major, d major, g major for now and also the triads and 4 note chords... this whole thing roughly 15 to 20.
I do it because I need it but don't like it much so I just sorta use it as warm-up and don't do it a lot. Whatever. I got time Wink

I do it without metronome, my teacher recommended me not to use one unless I really need it. At first I used it but now I just look at my watch to approximate the required tempo and do it like that, it's more fun. Surely less accurate Wink but for scales (or pieces I know) I know if I slow down anyway.

Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

Male Number of posts : 113
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Job/hobbies : IT
Length of time playing piano : april 09
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Registration date : 2009-03-22

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scales - How much should I practice scales Empty Re: How much should I practice scales

Post by Cloudy Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:27 pm

at what bpm do you have the metronome then?

I currently practice the beginning of the circle of 5th.
so F+ C+ G+ and D+
and remembering the circle helps me a lot to know what # I need!
Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

Female Number of posts : 26
Age : 46
Location : Germany and the Netherlands
Job/hobbies : Vet + Mama
Length of time playing piano : since aug.2009
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2009-08-24

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