Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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~Andrew Furmanczyk
Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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Andrew help me pls!

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Andrew help me pls!

Post by crazyboy74 Wed May 20, 2009 1:29 am

I'm not good at English Very Happy Can any one help me with some notes? I'm just study piano 1 week by watching the videos. Can anyone help me to play a song by just looking at the sheet music. A semi tone have 1 note but a tone have 2 note(upper and lower) . I don't know when to use the upper and the lower. Can anyone help me with that? It would be a lot of help for me to play a lot of songs. Thx
Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

Male Number of posts : 28
Age : 29
Location : Viet Nam
Job/hobbies : Student
Length of time playing piano : Since may 14th, 2009
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Registration date : 2009-05-20

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by crazyboy74 Wed May 20, 2009 1:35 am

Here is the song i wanna play . A little hard for a beginner like me Very Happy but i like that song so if i practice it a lot, i think i can play it . If ya have some free times, pls write a sheet music for that song ok? i don't really under stand the video Very Happy .
Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

Male Number of posts : 28
Age : 29
Location : Viet Nam
Job/hobbies : Student
Length of time playing piano : Since may 14th, 2009
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Registration date : 2009-05-20

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by Klavier Wed May 20, 2009 10:27 am

If you know Andrew he doesn't like teaching songs specifically and its highly likely he won't have time to write sheet music for you. If you're really serious about learning piano and playing songs well then you should practice practice practice, maybe get a teacher or work through an exercise book. Just because you might be able to figure out the notes doesn't mean your hands will listen to you, you might find troubling spots and IF its a hard piece which your fingers aren't used to you could hurt yourself with trying to leap above what you can handle.

You're 13, so you will learn fast if you practice but you need some structure and need to be committed. Having an appreciation for a song or music in general is great and everyone has favourite songs which they want to play but my advice is to be patient, enjoy the journey and work towards your goals and getting there properly, you won't be truly happy if you try to cheat your way into playing 1 song perfectly and kidding yourself that you can play piano and that you're good at it because you can play 1 hard piece but if someone comes along and says "Play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" you can't do it.

Work through your piano skills, have this song you like as a goal and set it some time in the future which is attainable. Learn sheet music as well, a little bit a day, watch Andrews videos too and after a while you won't need to ask question after question because you can answer most yourself and you'll feel great about it and proud that you've managed something.

I'm not saying we won't help you learn piano or that song, its just it isn't right and I personally wouldn't feel happy teaching someone a specific song without them being able to play it well and not hurting themselves. I hope you understand this with your English or maybe with help for a translator because its an important lesson, maybe the most important one; don't leap ahead, don't cheat and learn to enjoy the journey.

Good luck learning piano AND the song you like! Very Happy
Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

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Job/hobbies : ASDA Colleague | Piano, games and movies.
Length of time playing piano : 2 Weeks! ^_^
Guru Points : 9
Registration date : 2009-05-07

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by crazyboy74 Fri May 22, 2009 6:16 am

Wow. Unexpected. But thanks anyway. hehe. In fact i watched 7 video from lesson 1 -> lesson 7 and it helps a little bit. The thing is i don't know how to play a song by just looking at the sheet music. And is there any video teach me about left hand playing? My right hand playing it's not bad because i studied piano when i was in elementary school. i can play a few songs by my right hand Very Happy .(not count twinkle twinkle little star because it's too easy to play and that the first song i played when i got a new piano)
Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

Male Number of posts : 28
Age : 29
Location : Viet Nam
Job/hobbies : Student
Length of time playing piano : Since may 14th, 2009
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2009-05-20

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by Klavier Fri May 22, 2009 9:58 am

Well you can read sheet music yeah, very slowly, by working out the bars with the rhymes and FACE etc ? You just have to take it incredibly slow at first and only do 1 bar at a time in order to learn a piece and after a while you recognise notes faster and faster til you can just pick up any sheet music and start playing the song at the right tempo. Theres no magical cure for being able to pick up any music sheet when you are just starting and play it perfectly. Just practice recognising notes.

There is nothing specific about left hand playing because its basically doing what you do with you right hand only with your left, its just all about practicing with it, everyday, and growing those connections in your brain, EVENTUALLY, it gets easier and if you want your left hand to get into gear quicker you just need to practice it a LOT, just don't do it too much or you could injure yourself.
Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

Male Number of posts : 200
Age : 35
Location : England
Job/hobbies : ASDA Colleague | Piano, games and movies.
Length of time playing piano : 2 Weeks! ^_^
Guru Points : 9
Registration date : 2009-05-07

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by crazyboy74 Fri May 22, 2009 10:06 am

Thanks. In fact i got a little injured in the first day i played Very Happy . But after a few days every things back to normal although i got tired after 2 hours. My father teached me a few trick to get off the tired. I love you I love you
Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

Male Number of posts : 28
Age : 29
Location : Viet Nam
Job/hobbies : Student
Length of time playing piano : Since may 14th, 2009
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2009-05-20

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by crazyboy74 Fri May 22, 2009 2:06 pm

May i ask you one more question? When you practice left hand playing, you use both of your hands or only just your left hand?
Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

Male Number of posts : 28
Age : 29
Location : Viet Nam
Job/hobbies : Student
Length of time playing piano : Since may 14th, 2009
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Registration date : 2009-05-20

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by goodell Sat May 23, 2009 12:45 am

well, that's kind of hard to answer, first you need to practice the song with the hands separately, i usually do first right, then left. Then you practice them together, but just to warn you, they don't just go together really quickly, it's basically like relearning the whole song again. So to sum up, learn the right, then learn the left, then learn both at once.
Advanced Pianist
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Length of time playing piano : Since about Feb. 10, 2009
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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by Thomandy Sat May 23, 2009 1:18 am

goodell wrote:well, that's kind of hard to answer, first you need to practice the song with the hands separately, i usually do first right, then left. Then you practice them together, but just to warn you, they don't just go together really quickly, it's basically like relearning the whole song again. So to sum up, learn the right, then learn the left, then learn both at once.

Well said!!Smile

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by Admin Andrew Sat May 23, 2009 2:27 am

Smile the only thing I would add is that, usually I learn whichever hand is going to be harder in the end. I know the harder hand will take longer to learn so if i start it first i will have both of them learned closer to the same time.
Admin Andrew
Admin Andrew

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Length of time playing piano : Started in 1992; 17 years of playing.
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Registration date : 2008-02-22

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by crazyboy74 Sat May 23, 2009 4:10 am

Thanks. That helps me a lot. One more question pls! When you look at the sheet music, how do you know when to use the sharp note or the flat note? I notice that there is a flat note like this Andrew help me pls! Untitl11 . What does that mean?
Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

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Job/hobbies : Student
Length of time playing piano : Since may 14th, 2009
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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by Admin Andrew Sat May 23, 2009 4:51 am

it means that every B is flatted that you come to, it's called a key signature Smile I explain those in my videos ^_^
Admin Andrew
Admin Andrew

Male Number of posts : 1277
Age : 37
Location : Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
Job/hobbies : Piano teacher, pianist
Length of time playing piano : Started in 1992; 17 years of playing.
Guru Points : 12
Registration date : 2008-02-22

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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by surehit123 Sun May 24, 2009 6:59 am

Yes, it means that every note on that line or space where the flat sign is should be flatted.

when you see a flat for example a B with a flat sign it means you should press the black key behind B. Very Happy

the same thing happens with sharps only that you go higher not lower. C with a sharp sign = black key in front of C.
Well-known Pianist
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Andrew help me pls! Empty Re: Andrew help me pls!

Post by crazyboy74 Sun May 24, 2009 12:23 pm

Intermediate Pianist
Intermediate Pianist

Male Number of posts : 28
Age : 29
Location : Viet Nam
Job/hobbies : Student
Length of time playing piano : Since may 14th, 2009
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2009-05-20

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