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~Andrew Furmanczyk
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Bach's Six Little Preludes help

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Bach's Six Little Preludes help Empty Bach's Six Little Preludes help

Post by goodell Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:26 am

Once again I've found multiple versions of the same song(s). I was looking around for new stuff to play, and happened upon the first of six "little preludes." When I went searching for the others, I was surprised to find that the first prelude differed between 3 separate places... The first one I found had a midi to follow along, so I'll probably end up using that, but does anyone know which one is correct?

Any help would be much appreciated Smile


Here's the first:

This one's a download, if you don't want to download it you can skip it Smile

It's on page 12 of this bad beast:
Advanced Pianist
Advanced Pianist

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Length of time playing piano : Since about Feb. 10, 2009
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Bach's Six Little Preludes help Empty Re: Bach's Six Little Preludes help

Post by JoshQ Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:16 am

In the book I have "18 Short Preludes," the first one is listed as number 2 of "12 short preludes"

Two and three are what I have listed as number 1 of "Six short preludes" and are both the same, except that three has the realization of the ornaments written out instead of just the trill/mordent symbols. You can find some videos of this one on you tube if you search for "Bach BWV 933"


Number of posts : 3
Guru Points : 3
Registration date : 2009-04-21

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Bach's Six Little Preludes help Empty Re: Bach's Six Little Preludes help

Post by goodell Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:43 am

Fantastic, thanks a ton! Makes sense now Smile
Advanced Pianist
Advanced Pianist

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Age : 35
Location : Texas
Job/hobbies : No job currently / Soccer, weight lifting, tennis, video games, gaining useless talents....
Length of time playing piano : Since about Feb. 10, 2009
Guru Points : 3
Registration date : 2009-02-18

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