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Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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~Andrew Furmanczyk
Andrew Furmanczyk Piano Academy :: Learn How To Play Piano
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Lesson on Composition

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lesson - Lesson on Composition Empty Lesson on Composition

Post by kentaku_sama Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:06 am

Well your lessons may be to learn the basics of piano playing but I was wondering if you could do a lesson on composition. I'd really appreciate it. Smile
Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

Male Number of posts : 155
Location : NC, untited states
Job/hobbies : Manga, Drawing, Music, Japanese Language
Length of time playing piano : 3 or 4 years seriously
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2008-11-28

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lesson - Lesson on Composition Empty Re: Lesson on Composition

Post by VictorCS Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:57 pm

I actually do think this is both possible and impossible. Because it's more like writing a book than memorize a book.

A book usually have 3 parts, beginning, middle and end. When you know that and know the alphabet and rules about where to use this and that you can start write.

To compose is like writing a book, first you'll have to know scales, what key is what key, and how to read a sheet. Then you'll just use your imagination. But i'm sure Andrew can explain alittle about themes etc. and how different pieces are built up. And what's makes a classical piece a choral or fugue etc.

Male Number of posts : 944
Location : Norway
Length of time playing piano : Started playing seriously in 2007, and been doing so since.
Guru Points : 18
Registration date : 2008-03-09

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lesson - Lesson on Composition Empty Re: Lesson on Composition

Post by kentaku_sama Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:36 pm

I actually do think this is both possible and impossible. Because it's more like writing a book than memorize a book.

A book usually have 3 parts, beginning, middle and end. When you know that and know the alphabet and rules about where to use this and that you can start write.

To compose is like writing a book, first you'll have to know scales, what key is what key, and how to read a sheet. Then you'll just use your imagination. But i'm sure Andrew can explain alittle about themes etc. and how different pieces are built up. And what's makes a classical piece a choral or fugue etc.

Yes knowing scales and things really helps because you know what sounds initial and what sounds secondary but I wanted a lesson on how to make something simple extravagant or at least a full piece of music.
Well-known Pianist
Well-known Pianist

Male Number of posts : 155
Location : NC, untited states
Job/hobbies : Manga, Drawing, Music, Japanese Language
Length of time playing piano : 3 or 4 years seriously
Guru Points : 0
Registration date : 2008-11-28

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